failing forward.

there is something so painfully intimidating about success.

these are the things that society doesn’t discuss.

the pressure that comes with it.

being a role model.

subjection to constant and unwanted criticism.

how do i push past the paralyzing idea of failure?

sit on your fair share of pedestals,

receive enough accolades in your life

and the fear of falling becomes you.

the truth is,

we all fail.

all of the time.

but the real gift is in failing forward.

pressing on despite that voice in your head telling you

that you just can’t do it.

and then…

the unsettling feeling in your spirit surfaces and reminds you that you can.

and that’s all you ever needed.

to press forward.

to be bold.

to have courage when you don’t see what’s in front of you.

this is how you fail forward.

this is how you make it.

-success (noun)